Painful tenson behind knee with tingling after injury. Treatment?

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Regarding my ongoing history..... I was not happy with last consult. i don't think i have three totally different things going on, one being just sress.

I tried to cut back on my prednisone - one tab twice a day. What was originally a stiffness / weakness /heaviness in both legs has focused in my left leg, and primarily down the left side. The tendon behind my knee... or ligament - on the right side, and the right side of my ankle has been very painful, and now some swelling. No exterior pain. Still tingling all over but more so in that leg. When i sit i get pains that shoot up into the back of my bum basically. . Very uncomfortable. I went back to two prednison morning and night but am taking some ibuprofen once or twice a day as well at the moment.
I want to get off the prednisone, i need to know what this is and what may work best.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Orthopedic Surgeon

Expert:  Dr. Mukesh Tiwari replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
I understand your concern.
You're saying there is some swelling, on the right side of the ankle? Since this problem is persisting, it is better you get a x-ray of the right ankle and follow-up.
That will give us more clue about the situation.
Also, all your reports were normal last time, so repeating them is not necessary.
Did you get your B12 levels checked?

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Patient replied :

If not ni those bloods I sent, no B12 was not checked. I had been taking B12 for sometime, that was antoher question I meant to ask you and forgot. How much B12 should I take to expect a difference?
Even if I x ray my ankle.. it is my left ankle, and my left knee, on the left side - and sending those shooting pains up into my buttock. And all that tingling... My leg tingles the most, but anywhere i touch or scratch my skin is tingly.

Expert:  Dr. Mukesh Tiwari replied 3 Days.

This tingling can be explained by vitamin b12 deficiency causing degeneration of the nerve fibres leading to such tingling.
Or the other possible diagnosis is pinched nerve.
Kindly get the B12 done and let me know, the dose can be fixed based on your values.

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