Painful spasm in ribcage during movements. Treatment?

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Hi, for about 4 years, from time to time, I experience what I would describe as a spasm which is quite painful, behind the right side of my rib cage, about half way up. The pain is brought on from doing movements where i twist my torso to the right. If i twist to far i.e. stretching, the spasm will come on, and i am unable to move in most directions due to the pain, and have to move my torso to the least painful position and just wait for it to go away. If i push the area of the ribs, i cannot emmulate the pain, i cant only feel the pain when i press the rib, as the spasm is happening, and feels bruised. When the spasm is gone, so is the pain from pushing the rib.

I am a 30 year old male, 5ft9 82kg, non smoker, occasional drink, go to the gym, generally fit and healthy. I have seasonal asthma which is worse in hayfeaver season.

Many thanks

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
I understand your concern.
From your history, it seems like you are suffering from costochondritis, which is a condition where there is inflammation of thr ribs, and can be triggered by a lot of different factors such as exercise, viral infection, e.t.c
In your case, it seems to be triggered by exercise.
You need to take a course of Advil 2-3 times daily depending on the severity of the pain. A one week course will help in resolving the pain.
Please feel free to discuss further,

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Patient replied :

Hi there. Thank you for your reply. I have just been reading about costochondritis, to compare with my symptoms. One thing I will say, is that the area does not feel tender to touch normally. The only time it feels tender is when the spasm occurs, and i then poke the area of the ribs. Once the spasm has passed, so does the tendedness.
Would you say that costochondritis would be the cause of these spasms that I am feeling? It feels like someone has jammed their fingers into the muscle under my ribs and wont let go.
Is this medication available over the counter in the UK or by prescription only?
Thanks again.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Yeah it does not always feel tender to touch, the tenderness can be on and off.
It is available OTC, you can buy it directly.
I will also advise you to get an ultrasound as well as CBC, ESR, and CRP tests done and follow-up with me.

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Patient replied :

Thanks once again. I had a consultation with my local doctor last year, but basically got fobbed off after a brief examination. I have another appointment next week, but thought it would be helpful to speak to yourself first so that i have something to go with. Thanks again for your help, i have found the information most helpful, and hopefully will help at my appointment.
Many thanks.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.

Thanks a lot.
Update me once you get the tests done.

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Patient replied :

Thanks once again. I had a consultation with my local doctor last year, but basically got fobbed off after a brief examination. I have another appointment next week, but thought it would be helpful to speak to yourself first so that i have something to go with. Thanks again for your help, i have found the information most helpful, and hopefully will help at my appointment.
Many thanks.

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