Pain in calf, ankle. Tests for checking BLOOD CLOT?

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I woke up yesterday with a pain running from my lower calf down and around my ankle. It didn't hurt to walk just a little when I would pick my foot up off the ground. It did hurt a little to roll my ankle in or out and it did hurt to touch the area mostly in the spot going down the calf towards the ankle. The area is not black and blue or red. Last night there was a fair amount of swelling on the outside portion of my ankle. I don't remember doing anything extra strenuous and I was fine the night before when I went to sleep. Now today my calf is also in pain down the middle of the calf to the ankle. Again my ankle is swollen after work, I iced and elevated it for about 30 mins and the swelling has gone down. I am a 26 yr old female, do not take any form of hormonal birth control. I am on meds for both high blood pressure and migraines. Is it possible this is a blood clot and I need to go get it checked out? Or is it a situation where I did something in my sleep and hurt a muscle or a tendon?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
I understand your cocnern.
With a swelling around the ankle, and with pain radiating down from the calf towards the ankle, it is better to get a Doppler to rule out clots/DVT.
It is not because of your sleeping posture, or a pulled muscle. In such cases, there will be some amount of muscle cramps, but swelling around the ankle won't be present.
Kindly get a Doppler done, and you can upload the reports for me to review.

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