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Pain in abdomen in morning. Can I take FAMOTIDINE?

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Hello Doctor,

I'm generally healthy with no diseases or problems. I recently started to feel a pain that I can rate 5 out of 10 (0 being nothing 10 beign extremely painful). It happens only in the morning and it goes away after 1-2 hours. Eating, drinking does not seem to solve the problem. It doesn't seem to be gas or anything like that. The pain comes and goes in the 1-2 hours period. It feels like beign extremely hungry and it is not a very sharp pain.

The morning pain has stopped for the last two days, and last night before I went to bed (after taking a hot shower). I felt my stomach is moving, and I can actually see it moving "no pain or anything with it". It stopped after a short time maybe an hour or two. I went to a doctor in the emergency hospital and after checking my blood, urine he reported nothing serious and described it as "Abdominal pain, Uncertain Cause" and prescribed me Famotidine (PEPCID) 20mg taking 2 pills a day so one pill every 12 hours for 10 days.

I'm curious what is causing this. Currently I didn't get any kind of pain, there is some slight movements like "heartbeat in my stomach". I feel a little bloated or I'm just imagining this, or maybe it's a side effect of the PEPCID medication perscribed to me.

Should I worry more about this, what do you think is the problem.

General information about what I do :

I'm generally healthy with no problems, and I don't take any pills or medication or anything like that. I used to use antihistamines but not anymore since no allergies this semester. I don't drink alcohol. I do vape 3mg nicotine and drink coffee "not much" maximum daily consumption of coffee is equvalent to one redbull can (12 FL OZ).

Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

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Category: Hepatologist
 18 Doctors Online

Thanks for posting your query at
I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.
You have not mentioned where exactly you feel the pain.
Do you suffer any weight loss?
Endoscopy and scan done?
Please get back to me with these information.

Patient replied :

Hello Dr.R.K,
The pain appears in Epigestric and Umbilical areas, and it comes and goes. It disappears after 1-2 hours of waking up. I just wanted to note that I have not experienced pain in the past couple of days probably due taking PEPCID, or the problem was solved. I'm planning to stop taking the medication since no symptoms appear and I don't want to take it due to the side effects it might cause. If the pain returns then I'll start taking the PEPCID medication.

Anyway, the only thing I felt was a movement in the mentioned areas when I went to sleep last night, but it's nothing serious it's just a slight movement that feels like a heartbeat. I know there are many things that I might feel due to beign skinny, but it's out of the usual and it stops after some hours.

You should always continue PEPCID for 2 weeks, because that will ensure less such recurrences in the future,
Also, regarding the heartbeat, you being skinny as you mentioned, you can feel the normal pulsations more than a few other individuals.
However, it is better if you can get a CT SCAN done, and follow-it up with me.

Dr. Ratnakar Kini
Category: Hepatologist
Fellowship - DM - TN Dr.MGR Medical UniversityResidency - TN Dr.MGR Medical University Medical School - Stanely Medical College, TN Dr.MGR Medical University
Dr. Ratnakar Kini and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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