Odd tingling on sides of tongue

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I've been recently experiencing an odd tingling sensation on both sides of my tongue inside my mouth. After I brush my teeth it tingles a lot until I wash out my mouth, when I smoke sometimes (socially) it tingles too. There isn't pain but it's discomfort, using mouth wash helps as it doesn't tingle afterwards. I'm not sure what it could be, either an infection or vitamin deficiency (or neither)? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.

I have discussed your concern with our team Neurologist. This is not a vitamin deficiency/ infection/ or neurological process.

I would like to know some additional information so that I can help you better and offer a more learned opinion.

1. Do you have tingling sensation /numbness anywhere else in the body - arms or legs ?

2. Are you on any kind of medications ?

3. Is there any deviation of tongue ?

4. Do you find any difficulty in swallowing / speech ?

5. Do you have any regurgitation of food ?

6. Is the tingling more specific and pronounced in any side of the tongue ?

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Patient replied :


I will try and respond as clearly as I can to your questions, in order.

1) I do not get any other sensations in my body, just my tongue.

2) I am on no medications at the moment.

3) There is no deviation of the tongue.

4) I can talk and eat fine, I can feel something in the back of my throat when I swallow at times however.

5) No regurgitation of what I know of.

6) The tingling is on both sides, same amount. I also forgot to disclose that I have an indigestion issue, and earlier in the year I was on medication for this. I get heart burn from different foods, not sure if it's related but I am just stating it in case.

Thank you

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.


Thank you for additional details.

You have tingling on both sides. This simply denotes that there are exposed nerve endings on the tongue surface. Tongue has a rich nerve supply. This could be due to irritant foods (causing allergy) or minor viral infections. This does not denote anything serious.

To be honest this finding is bit non-specific (means it is not possible to reach a single diagnosis ) . However you are negative for any danger signs. So with some non irritant, non spicy diet this should resolve itsown.

Avoid mouth washes also for 1 month.
Vitamin supplements has not shown any benefit. However there is no harm in taking a B complex supplement. If you smoke, its SHOULD be avoided.

Further evaluation is needed in form Nerve conduction study only if it is prolonged for more than 1 month.

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