Occasional vision disturbances with headache. OCCULAR MIGRAINE?

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I've been getting these occasional vision disturbances and I think it may be a type of ocular migraine but I am coming here to see if it sounds like an ocular migraine or something else.

It is a pretty scary episode because every once and a while my vision will unexpectedly get "warped" almost like I'm looking under water or through warped magnifying glasses. While this is happening I really can't focus on anything and I have to close my eyes until it passes. At the same time it feels like my eyes are drooping and about to roll back into my head but they appear to look normal on the outside. At the time it happens I've asked someone what my eyes look like and they say they look normal, pupils normal too. These episodes lasts for approx 30-60 seconds and then its over. But, it has happened twice within 20 minutes of each episode. I also get a bad headache after for the rest of the day. Then 1-3 months will pass before it happens again.

I have noticed however that they seem to occur around the time of my period. Either some days before or during my period. This is why I feel it could be a type of migraine. Also, both my mother and grandmother have had ocular migraines, but the ones they get do not have the same characteristics as mine.

I've been seen by an ophthalmologist and my exam was normal. I saw a neurologist last year for other issues I was having and I had an MRI of my brain last november that came back normal. My PCP wants me to go back to the neurologist for this issue but I thought to see what I could find out here.

Thanks for your help.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.


Thanks for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com

I can understand your concern.

This seems to be a case of dermatitis. I would recommend application of cortisone cream mixed with Mupirocin cream twice a day for a week.

Also you need to keep the skin moisturized daily by application of a moisturizing cream.

In case the condition worsens or you get deep cracks and bleeding it would be best to consult your dermatologist for further evaluation.

Please let me know if you have any queries.

Take care


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