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Numbness of face

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Hello - About 13 years ago I was diagonised with benign postional vertigo. I have not had an episode since. Tonight though once I got exposed to extreme cold, I developed and tremendously pounding headache and my feet began curling inward. I also felt numbness on my left side. It cleared up after 10 minutes - I stil have a bit of a headache but am better. Did I have a stroke? Is this something I should see my regular doctor for?

Category: ENT Specialist

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Category: ENT Specialist
 27 Doctors Online

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Your present symptoms are not related to positional vertigo. As it presents with severe episodic vertigo associated with positional changes which lasts for few seconds

You had a headache and numbness on the left side for 10 minutes. These are not symptoms of stroke. Because you did not have any blackout or loss of consciousness and you do not have any weakness of the limbs.
Sudden exposure to cold can cause headache and numbness.

Now you are better, you can get your routine checkup done by your regular doctor,and need not to worry about stroke.
Hope this helps. Feel free to follow up if you have any further queries.

Thank you.

Patient replied :

Hello - Thank for reassuring me that I did not have a stroke, but why did my feet curl inward and cramp so much - that has never happened to me and it was painful. I did forget to mention that I take allegra and flonaise on a regular basis - not sure if my allergies triggered this I have been under control and its the sudden cold that seemed to really hit me.

Tahnk you Doctor

Hello again,

Cramp can be due to calcium deficiency and occur more frequently on exposure to cold or some time in cold night. Definitely this is not related to any allergy. Allegra and flonase are quite safe drug can be used for long term without any side effect.

Hope this helps. Feel free to ask if you have any further queries.

Thank you.
Dr. Sunil Jalan

Patient replied :

Hello Doctor - wow it's hard to believe that everything happened all at once to me with the severe episodic vertigo to my feet reacting to the calcium deficiency - While I was only exposed to cold maybe 55 degrees fahrenhiet, I still have a lingering headache - so you feel I could have another episode or do you feel waiting until Monday to see my primary doctor is fine? Thank you kindly


I think it is quite safe to wait for one or two day with present clinical condition. Your present symptom doesn't match with stroke, still direct clinical examination is important, so you should visit your physician on monday.

Dr. Sunil Jalan
Category: ENT Specialist
DAA (Diploma in asthma and allergy) : Christian Medical College, Vellore, 2012
D.N.B (ENT), 2011
Residency - M.S. (Master post graduate degree in otorhinolaryngology),  Christian Medical College, Vellore, 2009
D.L.O. (Diploma in otorhinolaryngology) - Christian Medical College, Vellore, 2007
Medical School - M.B.B.S, S.P. Medical college, Bikaner, 2004
Dr. Sunil Jalan and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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