Numbing cream, pain relief for losing virginity less painful.

Resolved question:

I was just wondering whether it is safe to use a numbing cream or pain relief when losing my virginity to make it less painful?


Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
If you use numbing creams , it might interfere with your sexual pleasure and orgasm, thus making you averse to the experience.
Losing virginity is not painful if done with the right person, in the right manner, at the right time.
Lots of foreplay is a must.
You can use a lubricant such as KY jelly.
Your partner should be very gentle and caring.
It will help to read up on the subject.
Wish you luck !
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.

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Patient replied :

Thank you for replying,
I would only like to use numbing cream the first few times that I have sex as alot of my friends have had painful experiences and I would just like to ensure that I dont have the same experience. Are there any numbing creams that would cause an irritation and other problems like that or are they all relatively safe? And If I applied the cream to myself, would it affect the person that I'm having sex with?
I suffer from mild anxiety so knowing that there is a little less nerves during the experience would make it a whole lot better for me :) Thank you for your help!

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 3 Days.

Hi again.
Ligocaine jelly is easily available and the best for this indication.
Yes, it would have a similar numbing effect on your partner too.
BUt trust me , with the right person, and proper lubrication, you would not need a numbing cream.
The decision is ultimately yours.
wish you luck.
Make sure you use protection please.
Take care.

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