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Non specific chest pain with SVT

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I am a 24 year old female, I am obese, I have been having chest pain on my left side for about 5 days now. It is a stabbing and dull pain. I also have SVT, but I completely control it through diet. Also I had an ultrasound done of my heart three years ago and everything was clear. I do also have a very low resting heart rate 58-52, my Dad has it too, so I don't know if I should be worried about that. Please I just need to know if this is an emergency or if I can wait to go to the doctors tomorrow?

Category: Family Physician-GP

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Category: Cardiologist
 30 Doctors Online


Thank you for asking the query at DoctorSpring.

From the description of your symptoms the pain does NOT appear to be cardiac or heart related. I assume that there is NO loss of consciousness, profuse sweating, nausea or pain radiating to arms or neck with this pain.

However if the pain is persisting or if the pain increased with exertion you can get an EKG / ECG done, which will rule out any cardiac origin chest pain. Without an ECG we cannot be 100% sure (just by symptom analysis alone)

Hope this helps.

Please feel free to ask followup questions.

Thank you

Dr. Vivek Mahajan
Category: Cardiologist
Fellowship: DM, Cardiology, PGIMER, 2013
Residency: MD, Internal Medicine, AIIMS, 2007
Internship: King Edward Memorial (KEM) Hospital, 2003 
Medical School: MBBS, Seth G.S. Medical College, 2002
Dr. Vivek Mahajan and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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