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I had an acute myocarditis in March. By now I'm fully recovered and I had another MRI scan in July, just to make sure everything is okay with my heart. Later on they sent me the report which I don't understand.

It goes like this: 'Preserved LV systolic function with resolution of oedema. Non ischaemic scarring remains in the area affected by the previous myocarditis.'

'ECG today demonstrated sinus rhythm with non-pathological Q waves inferolaterally, LVH by voltage criteria.'

Can someone explain it to me in plain English?
What does it mean for my future? Can I do sports again (body building, running and basketball)?

Your help would be highly appreciated in this matter.

Kind regards,

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Cardiologist

Expert:  Dr. Vivek Mahajan replied 4 Days.


Thank you for your query at

The MRI report of yours says that the myocarditis has resolved completely without leaving behind any significant damage. The heart function is good as well. So you can do exercise as you like. The ECG is showing some minor abnormalities but they wouldn't interfere with your activities and may probably be normal for your age.
Feel free to discuss further queries,
Dr Vivek Mahajan
DM Cardiology

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