No period and pregnancy test timing

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I ovualted on the 25th of december was due for period on the 8th of january but only bled for a day... it now two weeks after and i was due to ovulate today on the 14th day but havent would it show if i was pergnant on a pregnancy test..

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing a DoctorSpring.

Yes a pregnancy tests can be done now and if there is pregnancy by this time it will be positive. You can go for a Urine Pregnancy test kit (HCG Based). Infact I would strongly recommend a test to rule out a missed abortion in view of that bleeding.

Hope this helps
Feel free to get back to me anytime

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Patient replied :

Hello i have taken a test but it has come back negative... i took the test today...are you implying i could of misscarried...

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.


Unfortunately yes, in view of the one day bleed the possibility of miscarriage has to be considered. (If you have history of unprotected sexual intercourse ). However the probability is indeed rare. But it prudent to consider in this scenario so as identify any early complications.

Now that the pregnancy tests is negative there is nothing to worry as of now. Many factors including stress can cause a menstural cycle to skip and ovulation to be delayed. I recommend a repeat pregnancy test after a week. If that is also negative you can just wait for the next period and continue as usual. Meawhile if you develop any abdominal pain or sever bleeiding do get medical help.

Hope this helps
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Patient replied :

Ok thank you what would be the reasons for me miscarring though... will i still ovualate this month and what if i dont ovulate will i just have to wait to see if i have a period this month

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.


There is no particular reason for an early miscarriage . 1 in 4 or even higher early pregnancies end in miscarriage. Many of them won't be even noticed. It is just normal phenomenon (unless it is recurrent). Again -a miscarriage is only a theoretical possibility here.

Ovulation might occur late in this cycle. You need not wait or test for this. The best approach would be to wait for the next cycle. And repeat the Urine pregnancy test once more after a week.

Hope this helps
Thank you

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