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Negative P24 ANTIGEN, RNA test after sex. Conclusive?

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Hello, I am a 33 year old male. I have had sex with 6 women throughout this summer from June to September. I have always used a condom during intercourse but I have performed oral sex on these 6 females. Last time I have had sex was 9/15/2014. On 9/24/2014 I took a P24 Antigen combo test for HIV it came back negative, I waited 23 days after last possible exposure took a RNA qualititive test which came back negative too. I waited 38 days after my last possible exposure took another P24 Antigen combo antibody test it also came back negative. Based on the tests I took can I be confident I don't have HIV? Would the tests I took find the HIV virus for my possible exposure via oral sex that I had with 6 women from June 2014 to mid September 2014. I have also taken all the STDs test they came came back negative. Do I still need more HIV testing? Or the tests I took are conclusive?

Category: Family Physician-GP

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 29 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at
Oral sex as such has no chance of spreading HIV, especialy when performed on a female. Since they don't have any active discharge, it is unlikely that HIV can be spread through such an act.
Since you used condom each time, again the chances of getting HIV has been nullified.
You already got 2 tests done, and i feel that is adequate and you do not need more testing.
p24 especially is found right after the virus enters the body, and hence it will be detected in the earliest stages. If it is negative at the end of 38 days, there is no further cause of concern.
Hope i adressed your query,

Patient replied :

I also took the RNA qualiitive test 23 days after my last possible exposure how accurate is that test? How accurate are the tests I took for my encounters from June, July and August? I am married I want to make sure I am good so no more tests are needed?

Both the RNA tests and the p24 antigen tests that you took are extremely accurate close to 99 %
They are also the first indicators of HIV in a affected patient.
So these are accurate.
You have nothing to worry about.
Let me know if i can help you further,

Dr. Mayank Bhargava
Category: Family Physician-GP
Fellowship: Gastroenterology, Chotiram Hospital & Research centre, Indore, 2009
Residency: General Medicine, Rajasthan University Jaipur, 2008
Medical School:  MBBS, Rajasthan University Jaipur, 2004
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