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Nausea with loose stools that is relieved on having food.

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Hello. I ate quite a small breakfast this morning. It is a hot day. Drank an adequate amount of water, perhaps could have had a little more considering the weather. Now for my symptoms, I woke up, ate a half cookie, then ate a very healthy breakfast(despite the half cookie). I started feeling sick about half an hour later, getting a sick stomach/nausea feeling. Next I go to my yoga class, and I am doing okay, still nauseous. Mid class, I start feeling weak too. Like I want to cry. I persist, leave and go home. I am feeling tired weak and hot. By the time I get home, I am feeling sick and I have a bowel movement. I then get very cold and get in bed and start crying I feel so weak and upset. I try to drink some water and have some of an apple. Before I can lay down for long, I have another bowel movement. Now my emotions stabilize and I no longer feel as weak or upset, but my stomach still feels nauseous and I'm sure I wouldn't feel as alright if I wasn't laying down and blanketed up. This HAS happened before. Eating something generally quells the weakness quite a bit, and the sweaty and clammy followed by cold. What gives?

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 19 Doctors Online


It seems that you have had a bout of food poisoning.

Nausea with loose stools are classical symptoms of gastroenteritis .It usually is bacterial .Recurrent diarrhea also causes dehydration and symptoms like dizziness and cold extremities.

1) Start a broad spectrum antibiotic like Tab amoxicillin to prevent the progression of infection.

2) Go to the nearest laboratory and get a blood culture done to rule out sepsis. Also get a complete blood count. Based on the culture sensitivity the antibiotics can be changed.

3) Increase the intake of water and other fluids to prevent dehydration. If you cannot take enough fluids orally, I would suggest you get yourself admitted in the hospital and take I.V normal saline.

4) Check your temperature regularly and maintain a record to check the progression.

5) I advise you to not take anti motility drugs like lomotil, because taking anti motility drug increases infectious agent in your intestine.

If the severity of the symptoms increases kindly consult a doctor for the aforementioned recommendations. It's also important you take measures to prevent acquiring an infection in future.

Thank you.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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