My daughter is a nail biter, till the white part is gone.

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My daughter is a nail biter and she bites her fingernails.Is that a bad thing? She bites them off til the white part is gone and u can only see the clear part. I used hot sauce, lemon juice, and nail biting stopper stuff. She just keeps biting through that. What can I do?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.


Your daughter seems to be having PICA.

PICA is a syndrome that usually occurs in kids as a behavioral problem. It's characterized by eating sand or nail biting etc. But, it is known to occur in adults also. I consider you test your daughter if she is suffering from iron deficiency anemia. Usually those who develop PICA are anemic in specific iron deficiency anemia. There is nothing you have got to worry about.

Start with clipping off her nails weekly, so that she has nothing to bite. And go for a blood test; check for her hemoglobin levels and also in specific check for iron levels and transthyretin levels.

Thank you.

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