Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
Does your husband have angina pectoris that is heaviness in the chest on exertion or breathlessness on exertion?
Your 2d echo is normal. The ECG that you have attached shows multiple premature ventricular complexes. In the presence of a normal 2d echo, ventricular premature complexes are not of much significance and can be managed medically with a beta blocker drug.
I could not find a Holter report. whether a pacemaker is indicated can be ascertained from the heart rate and rhythm present in the Holter report.
Dr Vivek Mahajan
DM Cardiology
Patient replied :
Dear Dr, I had uploaded the Holter results also. Anyway I am attaching the same again. He has no Diabetes. Has Hypertension, takes Nebicard H daily once. He has allergic asthma, takes inhilation as required.He does not smoke. but takes alcohol occasionally , not daily. 6 months back by 7 am he felt some uneasiness, so went to the bed room. but befor reching the bed he fell down un concious. After some time he recovered. As nobody was there we dfont know the at that time the period Regards, Sherly Roy.
I have e-mailed to support@doctorspring.com the holterbresults
The holter doesn't show any significant bradycardia or pauses meriting pacemaker therapy. The loss if consciousness was a single episode 6 months ago without a recurrence? was he taking nebicard during holter monitoring? If it was a single episode of loss of consciousness without holter evidence of pauses or bradycardia and if the patient was on nebicard during holter then it doesnt suggest that the loss of consciousness was due to bradycardia and so there may not be a strong indication for pacemaker. In case of a repeat attack without any other explanation we may consider pacemaker implantation.