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Mild erosive gastritis

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I was diagnosed with Mild erosive gastritis last August through endoscopy and test for H-Pylori was positive as well . I did antibiotics course which included Amoxycilin two (1000Mg) per day , Ornidazole (2) and Pantaprazole (2) PAN-D for 14 days in Aug& sep-13 .

Symptons went away but returned again like bloating ,protein indigestion etc and i redid the course again for 14 days in Nov -13 ( taken pylokit from Cipla this time )

i do have issue with protein indigestion , i mostly vomit when i take chicken or any non veg along with alchohol. If i take alchohol without Non veg , i don t vomit . I take non veg ocasssionally only once a month and alchohol once a week ( 2 to 3 packs) or even less some times.

Please tell me what to do for this protein indigestion?I am fed up with this situation as i have taken Pantaprozole ( antacid ) for last 6 to 8 months . I have also taken enzymes to boast digestion .

I have generally high uric acid (8 to 9 ) ...and take thyroid medicine of 75mg which i started last year.

I go to Gym regularly weight 79 KG , 5 feet 9.5 inches.As I cant eat much protein( due to uric acid and indigestion ) then how come will i give proper nutrition to the body . I also had B12 injection few times last year as my B12 last April-13 was very low at <150 . It was 670 in Nov 2013 after injections few times . Uric acid remian in control till i keep taking febuget . It rises as i stop taking it . I have forwarded Five reports ( KFT, Lipid ,b12, TSH , uric acid , endoscopy and h pylori report to your support at Please receieve the same from them .

Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

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Category: Hepatologist
 22 Doctors Online

Thanks for posting your query at, I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.

What you have is not protein indigestion. It is acidity related issue probably a reflux disease.

Isolated protein indigestion is not common and it usually occurs with indigestion of other nutrients. I would advise you to get upper GI endoscopy repeated to see the current status of your gastritis.

As you as your symptoms are concerned, in addition to medicine, dietary and lifestyle changes are also important.
1, Avoid alcohol and smoking ( if you have that habit)
2. Avoid coffee, citrus, tomatoes, masala, spicy food and oily food
3. Avoid carbonated beverages, mint and chocolate
4. Weight reduction if obese
5. Avoid large meals and eat multiple smaller meals

Alcohol intake also increases uric acid. So you try to stop alcohol intake to decrease your serum uric acid levels.
I hope that answers your question, would be glad to answer any follow-up queries.


Patient replied :

Pls suggest medication for reflux disease..secondly I use to smoke till oct 2012 ...not my more.
Did u got a chance to look at my reports ..endoscopy u think any other medication was required.? Any comment on medication I took or I should take.
From the reply its more of preventive measures....I m looking to correct this indigestion somehow...does medical science have anything which will help for digestion in my case nd foruric acid. My alcohol intake is pretty less though asi mentioned earlier.
Moreover why I mentioned protein indigestion as mostly vomiting is of non veg or pulses...if it acid reflux ....all other food should cause vomiting as well.may be I m not able to digest protein that's why my uric acid is elevated as well without medicine...just a thought. Pls chi my KFT and LFT asWell


Thanks for getting back to me with more questions.
If it was protein malabsorption, you would have developed fluid accumulation in the body and would have developed selling of the feet and abdomen and not vomiting after intake of certain food.

Yes I saw your test reports. Endoscopy report says you have erosive gastritis and that you are positive for helicobacter pylori and you have taken the right treatment for it.

Not all food causes acid reflux disease. Only some which I have mentioned in my previous post can cause it. Pulses mainly increases gas. Meat especially red meat increase uric acid but does not cause acid reflux. May be the masala/oil/spicy thing you eat along with that is causing the symptoms.

For acid reflux you can take Nexpro L once a day before breakfast for 4-8 weeks and follow the advice which I have mentioned in my previous post.

I hope that answers your question.
Let me know if I can assist you further.

Dr. Ratnakar Kini
Category: Hepatologist
Fellowship - DM - TN Dr.MGR Medical UniversityResidency - TN Dr.MGR Medical University Medical School - Stanely Medical College, TN Dr.MGR Medical University
Dr. Ratnakar Kini and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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