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medicines after angioplasty

Resolved Question:

my mother is 61 years old and she had 2 blocks in her heart.she is also diagnosed to have diabetes(mild) and cholesterol(269) now.a medicated stent has been implanted on her arteries.she has few medicines to take.i wanted to know what the medicines below are for.what are their specific uses. 1.zidpan 40 – 20 mins before breakfast 2.telpress 40 – 1 after food in the night 3.astin 40 – 1 after food in the night 4.clopilet 75mg – 1 after food in the morning 5. gluco red forte – 1 after food in morning and night 6.actiblok ipr 25 – 1 after food in morning and night 7. trika 0.25mg – 1 afetr food in the nigt only if mom does not get sleep 8. laprin ds – 1 after food in the afternoon thank you

Category: Family Physician-GP

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