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Medication for PREMATURE EJACULATION, small penis size.

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sir i already had consult with Dr Srikanth Reddy , Sexologist and he advice me to consult with gynecologist aout my wife. here's our conversation which we had bellow

Sir i m 29yrs old n also married for 7 months i have some sex related problem so i want to consult with doctor

sir actually my big problem is that my penis size is not so bigger and longer thats why my wife doesnot satisfied with me when i performing sexual intercourse and second thing is i cannot long lasting in bed i perform maximum 5 to 10 munites

Answer by Dr Srikanth Reddy , Sexologist
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Thank you for your query at
I understand your concern.
A lot of people have a misconception about what is good size of the penis, and what is adequate for a good sex life. Hence i would like to know what is your size, when your penis is erect. Also second thing that you mentioned is you can't last more than 5-10 minutes. If you're actually lasting around 5-10 minutes, it is actually good because studies say great sex should get over in 7 minutes maximum. If it last longer than that, then there will be issues with lubrication and it starts hurting the female partner. So if you're actually lasting in between 5-10 minutes, there is nothing to worry about.
Still i will appreciate if you give me a detailed medical history. If you have any relevant past medical history, or you have received any treatment can be mentioned. Do you have hypertension/Diabetes Mellitus?
How are your morning erections? On an average how many times do you have sex per week?
You need to understand that the stimulation sensitive part of female vagina is the outer one third. The rest of the part is not that sensitive and whole of the vagina isvery elastic. So even if your penis is short or thin it doesnt matter cause vagina is highly stretchable. Its only the friction at the outer one third of vagina that matters. If the question of satisfying your wife and she wants to have sex for a longer time then the duration of the sex needs to be increased. The medicine i generally prescribe to my patients is paroxetine 12.5mg at night which increases the duration of sex by treating the premature ejaculation. If the duration of sex increases then probably the problem can get solved. However if it still persists then the cause is probably psychological and it has something to do about the quality of relationship that you are having with your wife which needs to be improved. And this will require indepth psychotherapy and marital counselling from a good clinical psychologist.
However based on your additional history, i will guide you further.


3 Days 12 Hours Ago
Follow-up Question by You
Sir my wife doesnot satisfied with my penis size n i aslo because my penis size is length 4.7 inc and grith 2.9 inch when erect so please tell me docotr how can satisfied with this small penis so please doctor give the suggetion how cud it to be long and grith......?yes sir i have some medical report which is prescribed by sir i dont have hypertension/diabetes mellitus. Sir my morning erection sometime is good average 2 times a week and i do sex 3/4 times in a week bt some week is 1/2 times. Sir my penis erectoin is another big problem because some time when i get to start sexual intercourse in the middile of time my erection is going to be down its a big problem i faced many times. If it is possible to talk with me then please call may be you can understan what peoblem i facing please doctor call me if possible
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3 Days 2 Hours Ago
Answer by Dr Srikanth Reddy , Sexologist
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Your all reports are normal. The sizes of the erect penis that you have mentioned are also on the lower normal range, but still considered as normal. You can have a satisfactory sex with this size. There is no way the size and girth of the penis can be increased and the sizes.
If you are having a good erection,you dont need tadalafil as such. However for premature ejaculation, you will require use of paroxetine 12.5mg at bed time evry night.
Hope this helps,
In case if you have any doubts, do let me know.

2 Days 14 Hours Ago
Follow-up Question by You
Sir please help me because i want to see my wife happy sir no need of longer penis but please give me the way to of grith of penis size please doctor... Other wise can u give the solution any method or any medicine of vagina tightening if it have then please give me solution it is the only way to see my wife happy sir i cannot see my wife unhappy because of it other wise she loves me more and i also love her very very very much i hope u understand my feeling.... Sir is this paroxetine 12.5mg? picture bellow
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2 Days 12 Hours Ago
Answer by Dr Srikanth Reddy , Sexologist
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Thanks for the follow-up.

The girth of the penis that you have stated is almost normal and as such there is no way the girth of the penis be increased.
Some ladies have problem of a lax vagina and in that case vaginal tucking is recommended so that the passage gets reduced in size. You may consult a gynecologist to get it examined.

Regarding the paroxetine, it is the same as in the picture you have sent. As I said, it will increase the duration of sexual encounter, preventing early ejaculation but will not effect the erectile strength.
If the sexual act prolongs, your erection persists.

Hope this helps,
If you have any further query, do let me know.

Kind regards,
Dr. Srikanth Reddy MD.

1 Day 21 Hours Ago
Follow-up Question by You
Thank you so much sir..
Sir i highly appreciate if u can refer this matter to gynecologist and give me better solution please
or if it is possible then please you recommend a doctor from and tell him/her what is my problem i shared with u. If i need a new appointment then i will get it. If u tell him/her my problem i shared with u then him/her very easy to find better solution for me please sir just help me

1 Day 20 Hours Ago
Answer by Dr Srikanth Reddy , Sexologist
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Thanks for the follow-up.
I would like to inform you that doctor spring as of now doesnt have a facility for cross referral. As a sexologist, i tried to clear many of your misconcenptions. Regarding the vaginal tucking procedure you need to put up a fresh query to a gynecologist. You may copy paste our conversation which we had, while posting the new query. That will clarify many things.
If you have any further query, do let me know.
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy MD

so please doctor give the advice to live a better life please. what can i do for vagina tightening method or cream/medicine

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Thanks for posting your query at
I have gone through the entire conversation thread in detail.
Dr. Reddy has handled the issue expertly and provided you with correct guidance.
Your penile size and girth are normal, and there is no known or scientific method to increase either length or girth.
Sexual satisfaction in the female is dependent on psychological issues also.
You can try taking the paroxetine for performing longer, and that might resolve the issue.
A lax vagina might be the cause for her dissatisfaction.
First of all, she should be examined by a Gynaecologist to see if this is really the case.
There are NO creams or drugs available in the market that can tighten the vagina.
However, it can be done surgically.
The vagina can be reconstructed and made shorter or tighter or both.
It is not a very complicated surgery, but first I must urge you to consult a Gynaecologist and get an assessment whether it is required.
Also good foreplay, and stimulation will help her to feel satisfied.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
Dr. Aarti Vazirani and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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