Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.
Are these swelling on the front of the leg, near (or by the side of the bone) ? Is it in the middle of the leg ? (or if not please me know the location). This is will aid me in giving a more learned opinon.
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Thank you
Patient replied :
Yes they are on the front of the leg, on the middle of the lower leg, they are on the lateral side of the leg, almost along the side of the bone . They have been there for a while. I have seen them before in 4 months or so .. They only show on specific movement (like when i flex my leg ) .. They feel like the ones i have on the back of neck when i use to have inflammation on my scalp
Thank you for the details.
Lymph Nodes do not generally appear on that particular site. These are small aggregated of fat tissue. You can just leave it alone. You can get it evaluated (just a physical evaluation is only needed)by a General Practitioner or Family Physician during a routine checkup / annual physical.
Hope this helps
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