Light burning pain below rib cage and constipation

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Resolved question:
I have a burning light pain just below rib cage on each side of abdomen a steady pain 2 inches right side of belly button.stomach mucles are tight all the time.bowels never move normal always constipated have to take laxitave.continusally letting of gas specialist done colonscopy said I have a twist in my colon but not serious could it be appendix or tumor or blockage please help thank you Kirby

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Consult reply with Dr.Ratnakar Kini, Medical Gastroenterologist .

Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

First of all, your pain is diffuse and has got functional component to it (constipation). So it is unlikely that this is cancer or appendicitis.

We would like to know some additional infomation from you.

1. For how ay days/ weeks are you having these symptoms ?
2. Are you taking any medications now ?
3. Do you always have the constipation or is it occasional ?
4. Do you take milk and diary products ?
5. Is the pain always present or is it occasional ?

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Patient replied :

symptions have been for over 1 year 2 I take 1 Ativan at night to help me sleep 3 always conspitated 4 some nilk prob 1 glass per day drink a lot of tea 4 to 5 each day 5 the pain is occ worse after work or lifting if I lay on my stomach it is a lot better soon as I lay on my back it starts again.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Thank you for the additional details

It seems you have a mild functional bowel disorder. Here is what I recommend

1. An OTC anti ulcer medication like Prilosec once a day at night (without food, just before sleep) once a day for 14 days
2. High Fibre diet - Follow these recommendations. To target 40g/day -
3. Avoid diary products and milk for a week and see whether it brings any difference.

Among these high fibre food is the most important factor. You can expect a symptom resolution in 2-3 weeks. If the symptoms persist even after 4 weeks you will require further testing like Ultrasound, OGD scopy and blood panel.

Hope this helps
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