Less growth and slightly enlarged breasts

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Resolved question:
I am a 26 year old male.

I want to know if I have a hormone imbalance or testosterone deficiency because my level of growth is very less compared to an average 26 year old and I have slightly enlarged breasts.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Endocrinologist

Expert:  Dr. J Muthukrishnan replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

I would like to know some additional information from you so that I can give you a better opinion.

1. What is your height, weight ?
2. Do you get early morning erections?
3. Are you sexually active ?
4. Can you please explain what specifically do you mean when you say level of growth ?

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Patient replied :

Dear Doctor,

I don't have a history of diabetes, allergies,surgeries or hypertension.

I smoke approximately 5 -7 cigarretes a day. I do not consume alcohol on a daily basis.

1. My height is 5ft 4inches and my weight is 66kgs.

2. I do get early morning erections ocasionally.

3. I am sexually active however i ejaculate prematurely.

4. I have a small body frame and although I've gone to the gym for approx. 3 months I was finding it difficult to build muscles and stamina. I have very less facial hair and I have enlarged breasts and I am usually mistaken for someone very young as my size and features make me look as if I am 19 to 20 years old. This is especially difficult in a work environment since people don't take me seriously since they think i'm very young.

Kindly advise as to what can be the cause of this.

Thank you

Expert:  Dr. J Muthukrishnan replied 3 Days.

From an Endocrinology stand point there seems to be nothing wrong. You can get tested for S.Testosterone levels just to be sure.
You seem to have small body frame - which is constitutional and unfortunately it is not possible to change. Going to gym is a good idea. It might take more than 3 months. Just be consistent and eat nutritious (protein rich food) and you will pickup some muscle mass. BUT make sure you are keeping a trimmed body . Lot of bulging muscles on a small constitutional body will not look good.

You will need to just give it sometime. Once the body ages a bit more, this should be better.
Again you do not seem to have any endocrinology health problems. The gynaecomastia (male breasts) will resolve once you loose some weight and gain muscle.

Hope this helps
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Patient replied :

Dear Doctor,

how do I get tested for S.Testosterone? is there a blood test? and would I need a prescription?

Expert:  Dr. J Muthukrishnan replied 2 Days.

You can go for an early morning S.Testosterone and FSH levels. Some labs do it without a prescription. It is better to contact the lab prior to the test as they may have specific instruction. Again this test is not very essential.

Thank you

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