Thank you for the question. The symptoms that you have described-no periods since last three months, no pregnancy apart from leaking of milk from the breasts are the result of increase in concentration of the Prolactin hormone inside your body. Generally the concentration of this hormone increases when females get pregnant and have a baby. This hormone is the prime reason behind females’ breastfeeding their children. However in your case it is evident from the pregnancy test that you are surely not pregnant. Hence the reason behind the increase in its concentration is the various drugs. Sometimes the drugs such as antidepressant ones might cause increase in its concentration. Hence, it would be nice if you consult your doctor and ask him to replace the drug with the one having lower concentration of Prolactin. As far as your second question regarding sex with Porn stars is concerned, I must tell you that it is extremely dangerous especially if you are not using protective measures during the sexual intercourse. Most of the Porn stars are infected with various types of sexually transmitted diseases as they have sexual encounter with some one or the other on a regular basis. These diseases are very harmful and can be extremely dangerous. Some of them are not curable also like genital herpes and HIV. Hence, whenever you have sexual relation with a porn star make sure that you’re wearing proper protection. I hope my advice will clear your doubts. Take care. God bless.