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I am a 37 year old healthy male.

I visited a chiropractor because of a stiff back, which occasionally happens every few months and I find great relief after an adjustment.

He told me I needed x-rays, which surprised me.
Based on the attached X-ray of my neck he took he said that there is evidence of thoracic-dorsal nerve compression or disc degeneration on the T5 vertabrae, do you agree? I'm afraid it could be a scam as he is not an MD or PhD.
He also stated there was evidence of a bone growth (spur).
He said based on the state of my neck vertebrae I will likely start experiencing tingling fingers and radiation of pain down my arms.

I am asking for a second opinion. He wants me to sign up for all these treatments and I am not in significant pain, I just had a minor ache between my shoulder blades. He states this pain has its origin in a compressed nerve near T5 disc but my body tells me its really due to a sore back.

Kind Regards,


Category: Orthopedic Surgeon

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Patient replied :

Is anyone going to respond?

Firstly we will sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused to you. This is a one-off case.
However we are here to help you now.
I gave gone through the X Rays you sent me it looks normal and there is nothing wrong in the cervical spine region. However i am surprised he mentioned about T5 vertebra, because you can never see T5 vertebra in a neck x-ray. May be he mentioned C5? The thing about disc degeneration is it normally starts around 45-50 years of age, and is not really a disease. It can start earlier in some cases, and most people have some pain which is well controlled with chiropractor and NSAIDs.
I will ask you to get an X-RAY of your THORACIC SPINE AND LUMBO-SACRAL SPINE for ruling out similar problems in these vertebra, since the pain is in the back and not in the neck. I will like to get additional history from you. Since how long have you been having this back pain? Do you have any other associated neck pain? I really can't comment on T5 vertebra seeing just your neck x ray and also evidences of disc degeneration and nerve compression is picked up properly only in a MRI and not an X-RAY.
From the x ray that you sent, there are definitely no features of any new bone formation, however some features of early spondylosis.
Did you have any neck symptoms? Otherwise ordering a neck cervical spine x ray does not really make sense in your case.
Feel free to discuss further,

Dr. Mukesh Tiwari
Category: Spine Surgeon
Fellowship - Khandaka Hospital, Jaipur
Residency - MS, Rabindranath Tagore Medical College, Udaipur, 2000
Medical School, Internship - MBBS, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, 1995
Dr. Mukesh Tiwari and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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