Is there a STI risk on having sexual encounter with a male?

Resolved question:

Hi doctor, Though I am straight but I got carried away and I had sexual encounter with other male. We had oral sex. He penetrated his finger inside me. I shaved my body also the day before only. I wanted to know am I on the verge of having sexually transmitted diseases?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your question. You said that there was penetration done by that male partner of yours but he did it with his finger only. I must tell you that by penetrating a finger will not cause you any sexually transmitted diseases but if there was any ejaculation done inside your body then there might be a risk of sexually transmitted infection. The much likely infection in this case is that of HIV. You also mentioned that you shaved the genital area of your body the day before. The shaving also increases the risk of such infection because of the cuts that usually happen during shaving. You might also suffer from Chlamydia and herpes. All three of these diseases are very harmful and do not have any kind of cure.

But since there was no penetration of penis inside your body and I hope there was no ejaculation done by him inside your body; therefore the chances of you getting caught with such infections are very less however, I would certainly suggest you to please contact a doctor nearby and get yourself tested if you are having any kind of burning sensation while urination or itching in your genitals. These sexually transmitted diseases do not show symptoms early but they might be present in your body which can pose danger at the later stage of your life. Also, I would suggest you to please use protection like condom whenever you are having any sexual intercourse with a man or a woman. Take care. 

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