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I understand your concern.
The ecg shows as youbsaid incomplete rbbb ( Right bundle branch block ) with non specific st t changes
and vpcs ( Ventricular premature complexes.).
You are middle aged diabetic male.
Are you hypertensive smoker alcohol consumer? Do you have family history of young cardiac deaths or heart attacks?
The incomplete rbbb is present in many normal individuals. A 2 d echo needs to be done to rule out any structural defect in heart which may cause vpcs. If the heart structure is normal then vpcs are benign entity. As far as st t changes are concerned do you have any shortness of breath or chest pain on exercise or fast walking or climbing stairs? Have you had chest pain at rest? These details are extremely vital for us to get a clearer picture. Also I will like to reinforce get the 2D-ECHO done as soon as possible.
Do get back to us with all details,
Dr Vivek Mahajan
DM Cardiology |