Thank you for your query at Doctorspring.com
Yes. Lobular cancers are more hormone responsive compared to ductal cancers.
Feel free to discuss further,
Patient replied :
I know lobular are more hormone responsive. But does EVERYONE have an ALLRED 8? Don't some people have a 7 or a 6? And don't some people even have negative hormone response? Probably some even have an ALLRED 3 or 4 right?
I just want to be sure that everyone doesn't have the same high score!!
Maybe I'm asking the wrong question. I have an ER positivity >95%? Do most people with lobular have that, or is that high, even for lobular? I'm hoping I have a higher score than most.
ALLRED score may vary in each case. There is no such fixed parameter.
But generally all lobular cancers are hormone positive.
Patient replied :
But the >95% estrogen positivity is unusually high, right--even for lobular?
Not unusual. Lobular cancers are having good prognosis because of estrogen positivity.