Impact of DVT on ABI test with calf swelling.

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Will the presence of a DVT impact the results of an ABI test? I have had pain in my left calf for the past week which occurs on standing and walking and stops when my leg is elevated. There is very minor swelling when comparing left calf to right calf. No redness in the calf, but left foot is noticeably redder than right foot after I've been standing for a few minutes. I have also been having occasional sensations of heat in the left calf, although it is not hot to the touch. I have also been having frequent pins and needles and 'buzzing' sensation in lower left leg and foot; this occurs whether I am standing or sitting. When I stand up after sleeping or sitting for long period there is a sensation of pressure/tightness in my left foot.

I visited an urgent care clinic and a Physician's Assistant performed an ABI, the results of which were normal. He did not do any tests for DVT because there is no significant swelling in my left leg. A doctor I saw last week for this same complaint also dismissed DVT solely based on visual inspection. I am just concerned because I know that not all DVTs cause swelling and redness in the calf. If I DID have a DVT, would that have affected the results of the ABI? That is, is it possible to have normal ABI results while a DVT is present? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: General Surgeon

Expert:  Dr. Hari Charan Perigela replied 4 Days.

Thank you for posting your query at
I understand your concern.

ABI test is done to exclude arterial occlusive diseases.
DVT is Deep Vein Thrombosis. This is related to vein.
It doesn't affect ABI test.
But,the best investigation is Colour doppler of the left lower limb.

Redness is not characteristic feature of DVT.
Swelling and pain will be present.The same features can be seen in Cellulitis.
If you are suspecting DVT, vein has to be examined. By colour doppler, both arterial system and venous system can be seen.
So i will advise you get a colour doppler done and upload the reports for me to be able to guide you further.

Feel free to discuss further,
Wish you good health.

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