I break out into sweat and feel hot very easily especially when in contact with hot water.

Resolved question:

I am a thirty year old male. Earlier today my jaw was hurting. I had been to a dentist before, two weeks ago with this symptom and he suspected I grind my teeth and that caused the pain. He suspected it was during my sleep.I was walking earlier and my chest closed up. It was only for about a minute or so and I continued shopping and felt fine and carried my groceries back and just broke out in a sweat. I am a smoker.I have a feeling like a pinched nerve, it is dull and radiating down my left arm from beneath my shoulder down into my index finger. I also had a similar feeling close to my hip earlier. And down the tricep of my right arm.I did exercise vigorously on Friday, executing a lot of chest presses and carried heavy grocery bags today. I washed dishes a while ago, which are obviously with hot water, but that was forty minutes ago and I broke out in a sweat, it has subsided now. But I feel very hot. I also had a moment of dizziness now. I had a similar moment twice the last weekend. Once was after I had walked in heat for a bit. The other was sitting down having drinks with a friend. Last night I fell asleep on my couch and woke up with my left arm tingling. I am not sure if that was because of the position I slept in. I then went to bed and had a bad night's rest and woke up in a pool of sweat. Mostly my tricep feels numb now and there is a pain where my jaw hinges on the left side of my body. I have no chest pains currently. Should I be worried about this? My pulse feels fine and steady.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.


You seem to be having symptoms of heat intolerance could be hypothyroidism.

I suggest you do a blood profile of thyroid profile. Hypothyroidism is characterized by increased heat intolerance. I suggest you take Tylenol for pain. I also suggest you take an X-ray of jaw. Could be a lytic lesion, which can be cured by taking increased calcium.

I also suggest you to work out to limits of your body capacity. You can end up with muscle exhaustion, finally leading to muscle tear. That explains your tightness of chest and muscle pain all over your body suggests you take blood profile and visit a physician, who will prescribe Levothyroxine.

You should be fine in few days of treatment.

Thank you.

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