I am having red dots on my penis

Resolved question:

Hello Doctor,

I am 32 years old and am noticing tiny red dots on the head of my penis just beneath the foreskin. Sometimes it is very itchy while at other times they vanish. I have tried masturbating two to three times a day to get rid of these dots, thinking ejaculation may solve the problem. I have apprehension in consulting a doctor for fear of some dreadful disease. I am deeply worried and anxious about by sexual life. Is there any way it can be treated at home?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Steve Merris replied 4 Days.

Thanks for telling the truth, but I suppose you are not telling the full truth. However this may be a case of infection of fungal yeast or Candida albicans infection. It may be a case of yeast allergy which is general in men having high blood sugar. Other causes may be due to infection through sexually transmitted disease. In any case you should immediately consult a doctor preferably a sexologist. Notice if during sexual intercourse you have pain at the head of your penis. This may also be due to anal intercourse or heterosexual activities. Till you see the doctor, gently wash the head of your penis with warm water at least twice a day, but do not add any disinfectant.

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