Hypothyroid and pills

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I recently went to my regular doctor to check out a cold that I have had for almost 2 months. (went away after a month...then I possibly caught something else). The doctor tells me its going around-lungs were fine, looks a virus. She also did some blood work. Blood work came back normal except my TSH was 6.84. I know this definitely suggests hypothyroid. After taking birth control pills for about 4 years I recently stopped taking them. The doc said that being sick could effect my thyroid and I should do another test in about a month. Prior to going on bcp my thyroid was fine. My question is do you think my thyroid will go back to an acceptable level on its own? I don't really want to start the medication. I don't seem to have many hypo symptoms (I'm underweight if anything). The only symptom I would say I possibly have is being slightly less energetic than I would hope.Not sure how the pill effected my thyroid as it definitely seems there is a link...

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Endocrinologist

Expert:  Dr. J Muthukrishnan replied 4 Days.


Thank you for your consult at DoctorSpring.com.

Just a mildly increased TSH level doesnot require treatment. You need to observe and repeat test in 2-3 months and see if it persists high or rises further beyond 10. It may return to normal too.

You can check for Serum Anti TPOAntibodies if TSH remains high (upto 10). If it further increases beyond 10, you will then need treatment.

Pills may not have affected your thyroid, so you need not worry on that score.

Hope this helps, would be glad to answer any follow-up queries.
Dr J Muthukrishnan, SM
Senior Adviser (Med & Endocrinology)

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