Hypertension and fatty liver

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I am 34 years old weighing 90 Kgs height 5.6". Three months back i had a chest discomfort I consulted the Doctor.My blood pressure shot up to 170/110 and thereafter the Doctor prescribed telmaxx 25 and I am taking the medicine regularly for the last three months. I was also diagnosed of fatty liver stage 2. Now, my blood pressure is 135/85. I would like to know whether I should continue Telmaxx 25 or not. Also pls suggest whether I should take medication for fatty liver.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

Yes, you should continue Telmaxx 25. Your blood pressure is 135/85 because of Telmax. Once you remove it the BP can shoot back. Infact this contain a class of medication called beta blockers which can cause rebound hypertension which can be actually dangerous. So you need to continue this. Periodically check BP. Also cut down on your salt. This will bring your BP below 130 mmg Hg which is ideal.

Regarding Fatty liver, I would like to know your Fasting Blood Sugar Value and Cholesterol Values. Have you done it recently ? If so please share as a followup.

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Patient replied :

I have done LFT in the month of November 2013. The test results are SGOT-58U/L, SGPT-56U/L ALP 232U/L. The lipid profile test are Cholestral 131 mg, triglycerides 84mg, HDL 44 MG LDL 97MG. My blood sugar levels are normal. I checked my BP yesterday the readings were 130/80. I have changed by lifestyle and I jog 2KM and Walk 2KM daily. Do I need to undergo any more test. Pls also advice whether telmaxx 25 prolonged usage has any side effects.I am getting regular burps do i need any medication for the same.I am also taking thyroxine 50 mcg for hyperthyroidism.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Telmaxx is usually safe. Mostly fatty liver is caused by obesity. In that case further tests are not needed. However in you case the SGOT and SGPT values are slightly raised above normal. This has to be evaluated. If you consume alcohol on a daily basis it could be the cause. (Do let me know about your drinking habits). You will need to do few tests - HbSAg , Anti- HCV to rule of viral infections. It is better to get these tests also done. Consider a Medical Gastroenterology consultation.

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Patient replied :

I do not drink. But i am overweight. Is overweight the factor of fatty liver. Further do i need any medication for fatty liver.Does frequent burp is due to fatty liver.The doctor advised udiliv which I took for one month and then stopped. Should I continue the medicine.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.

Yes Obesity is the number 1 cause of fatty liver. There are other causes also. But since you SGOT and SGPT values are high you should get the viral tests to be sure. After that periodic monitoring is needed. Medications including Telmaxx can also cause elevated SGOT/PT levels. So on followup if the SGOT /PT levels stays high and the viral tests are neagtive alternative medications need to be considered.

Weight reduction should be the first step - with diet modifications and exercise. The burp is unrelated. Could be due to stomach upset unrealted. You can take C. Omez once a day without food for 1 week. Udilive is NOT required or indicated.

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Patient replied :

I have done blood test and the Uric Acid level is 9.2mg. The doctor advised me Fabulas 1 tab daily. I am also taking medication for Hypertension and Thyroid.Is Uric Acid level too high? can I avoid medicine? Is their a natural ways to control high uric acid levels.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 1 Day.


I do not think you should be taking Fabulas right away. If you done not have any stones or joint/bone pain you can go for dietary approach (diet modification to reduce uric acid levels - please refer online). Medication are generally recommend at much higher uric acid levels or when there are symptoms.

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