Huge hard lump on head

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Resolved question:
My 6month old baby has a huge hard lump on the back of his head. I'm sure he didn't bump it today but wasn't there last night. My mum says it looks like a reaction to a bite, and we were outside today, but he hasn't cried and is acting perfectly normal. He has no temperature and hasn't been whinging any more than for his teething. My mum says I should take him to emergency room, but I think he's fine because he's acting normal. And its after 10pm. What should I do?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

Since the lump is considerably large, u need to exercise some caution. If there is fever, increase in size of swelling, bulging of the swelling while crying/coughing you need to take the baby to emergency room urgently. If there is any unusual signs or symptoms it is better to get medical help. The above mentioned ones are the alarm sings.

If those signs are not there you can judiciously wait. But if the swelling persists it is better to get in touch with your Doctor. Meanwhile if you can send a picture of the swelling I might be able help further. You can upload as a followup consult.

Thank you

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