Resolved question:
I am71 yrs old I do my own lawn and garden work l have fybromyalgia, restless leg syndrome, and a major rr
er hot flashes that are worse than the rest. No dr seems to be able to help with the hot flashes. I take hydrocodone 4 times a day for pain. omeprazole foe stomace acid. Ropenole for rls.etoprolol for blood presure. Duloxetine. Lorazepam for nerves. I need a dr to get rid off hot flashes first. What type of dr can help me most? I am female, 4'11.
4 Days
Thanks for writing to with your health concern.
A gynecologist can help you the most.
You would need temporary hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to tide you over with the hot flashes.
Also, proper diet, exercise and meditation will help.
Please see an OB - GYN to help you with the HRT .
All the best.
Please feel free to discuss further.