Holidaying in Vietnam and experiencing stomach discomfort

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I am currently on holiday in Vietnam. This is my 6th day. About 24hours ago I started experiencing stomach discomfort, pains on and off, feeling of indigestion, bloating, nausa and have vomited twice. I'm currently on doxycycline and taking 'travelan'. After having it yesterday went to bed early and seem to wake up fine until after having breakfast. My meals have been slightly bigger. My bowel movements are normal, usual gas.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring

You seem to have acquired a condition called Acute Food poisoning or Food toxicity caused by bacteria or bacterial toxins from contaminated food. This is slightly different from travellers’ diarrhoea. Your symptom pattern is not suggestive or any particular organism, but that is not very significant.

If your symptoms are persistent or severe (for the next 24 hours), if you have an underlying serious medical condition, or if there are worrisome signs or symptoms (temperature greater than 100.4ºF/38ºC, severe abdominal pain, inability to eat or drink, bloody stool or vomit), you should get medical help. If not you can continue Doxycycline and Travelan. Make sure you are eating properly cooked and safe food. Avoid spicy or unaccustomed food for 2 days. Drink plenty of water. Avoid milk ,milk products, high fat food. The symptoms shall resolve in less than 3 days under normal circumstances.

This is common condition especially during travel and there is no need for any concern. Please follow the above recommendations.

Hope this helps
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