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Herpes Zoster sores.

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Hi, I wanted to have clarity on some of my actions, the episode goes on as follows: -

1) 27 August 2013 - Unprotected Oral Sex - Receiving
2) 4 September 2013 - Unprotected Oral Sex - Receiving

Tested Negative for HIV on 4th October 2013, i.e. 5 weeks after 1st exposure and 4 weeks after 2nd exposure

3) 16 December 2013 - Hand Job; But when the act was going on she was giving me a hand-job, I was fingering her and as soon as I cummed, she stopped and I wanted to carry on that is why, without thinking I took hands which were covered in somewhat vaginal fluid and started stroking my penis for 3-4 this high risk??? The girl told me that she gets tested for HIV regularly, but this happened.

Now the main part of my worry is that 13-15 days after this exposure, I was diagnosed with Herpes Zoster, this freaked me out, as I read somewhere that Herpes is caused when body's
immune system is very weak, does this mean I have HIV? Also, doctor prescribed me these medicines: -I got diagnosed with Herpes Zoster in 1st week of Jan 2014 after a week of rashes developing on my back and right arm pit, under arm pit actually.

Doctor advised me these medications: -

Zovirax (800 mg)- 35 tablets
Antobiotic - Phexin - 20 Tablets
Medrol - 14
Macetol - 14

These dosage stopped 10 days before i.e. on 10-11 Jan 2013. I got tested Negative for HIV on 21st January 2014, i.e. 21- weeks from 1st exposure, 20 weeks from the 2nd exposure and 4.5 weeks from 3rd exposure, but do you think these medicines might have played a role? Are these results conclusive?

Kindly let me know at your convenience.

I had previously consulted a Doc over here, my Consultation ID: - CS012220140530.

In that he had recommended to take another HIV test after 6 weeks. Now I wanted to know few things: -

1.0 Is it necessary for me to get tested again?

2.0 No exposure after 16th december 2013, as mentioned on the previous questions

3.0 I am really stressed out thinking I will have to go through the testing again

4.0 As my Herpes Zoster was not completely resolved, doctor had prescribed me these medicines Althrocin 250 mg (3 times a day for 10 days) & Ebast 20 (2 times a day for 10 days), now I do not know when I stopped taking these medicines, at least 15 days before today, so if I take the testing now, will it be conclusive, or these medicines will play some role in the results, shall I wait for the few days before testing again?

Looking forward to hearing back.

Category: Family Physician-GP

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
 18 Doctors Online

Hello and thankyou for approaching DoctorSpring with your query.
It is possible to get a herpes zoster infection even in immunocompetent individuals.
32 percent individuals experience Herpes Zoster some time in their lifetime.

Regarding the HIV tests, you do not require to repeat the tests as the tests you have undergone are conclusive. Since they have been negative, in October and on 21s Jan, which is 21 and 20 weeks from your exposure they are conclusive.
The exposure you had on 16th December has low to zero risk of any HIV transmission. It is theoretically possible to transmit HIV but very unlikely.
And besides you tested negative 4.5 weeks after the December exposure. Hence this test is conclusive.

These tests are conclusive and you are HIV negative, and you do not require to repeat the HIV tests for these exposures.

I hope this has helped. Feel free to follow up.

Patient replied :

Hello Doc.

I just wanted to inform you that after your last message, I got my test for HIV done on March 11 and was tested Negative i.e. Non-Reactive. This was on the 84th Day of the last exposure i.e. 12 weeks.

Are these results conclusive. I knew it that they were conclusive, but recently I had this niggling thought in my mind so wanted to confirm!!!

Also, I am a regular smoker since 6 years almost now, does that affect my HIV test results,I just want to be sure!!!

Looking forward to hearing back from you.


Hello Hersh,

Smoking will NOT affect the HIV test in any manner. Smoking will NOT cause a false negative. So be assured your results are indeed true negative and you are HIV negative. All factors suggest that you are negative. You should be glad about this and move and stop worring about the test and results.

Hope this helps
Thank you

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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