From your symptoms you seem to have developed severe constipation.
Constipation commonly occurs when you have bad toiletry habits. Constipation for so long as 6 weeks, could lead to lots of complications like infection leading to necrotizing enter colitis or peroration of intestine. Even hemorrhoids can occur. If enema hasn't worked try taking, laxatives. Take more of water and lots of banana.
I also suggest you take a USG abdomen just to check if you have any intestinal obstruction, usually it's a possibility if you have had history of previous surgeries especially. I advise you to not strain too much as it can lead to hemorrhoids, bleeding from mucosa. I suggest you stick to liquid food for a while, especially when taking the laxatives. See for a week, if doesn’t work then I suggest you consult a surgeon, who will look in for obstruction in intestine causing this.
Thank you.