Have a bleeding ulcer; I take excessive alcohol, severe pain in lower back.

Resolved question:

Please assist me I am a 30 year old male and a heavy drinker. I have a bleeding ulcer and been admitted to hospital twice for this, I have been drinking heavily the last few days and today my kidneys I presume (my lower back both sides) are extremely painful all the time, they are so sore I cannot even lay down on the bed and sleep is certainly out of the question. I have taken my ulser pills which are CPL Alliance Ranitidine 150 but I have never been in this much pain and normally its my ulcer that is in pain not my lower back (kidneys)Is there any way I can relieve some of the pain until I can get to a doctor?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.

From your diagnosis, it appears your kidneys are affected due to excessive use of Ranitidine.

Alcohol worsens peptic ulcer to extent that complications of peptic ulcer can develop like bleeding from ulcer and perforation of ulcer. Ranitidine you are taking only helps by reducing the acid production in stomach. If you continue to have alcohol, there is no use in you taking ranitidine as its effects are inhibited by alcohol.

Ranitidine excreted through kidney. Ranitidine taken chronically for more than 3 months damages the kidney reversibly. I suggest you to stop having ranitidine and mainly stop with alcohol. If you continue with alcohol, peptic ulcer disease can worsen leading to perforation and strictures etc.

You can take sucralfate, which will coat your ulcers. But again if you continue with alcohol, there would be no effect again. For your kidney function, renal function tests have to be done to know the extent of damage. I suggest you consult a urologist. For your pain you can do spasmolytics like Meftal spas.

Thank you.

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