Hard painful knot next to anal cavity

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Resolved question:
I need to know what this hard knot is next to my anal cavity and if theres a way to take care of it at home or if i will need to see a doctor. Its sore and round and really hurts please let me know

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Hari Charan Perigela replied 4 Days.


Thanks for your query at Doctor Spring.

I can understand your frustration as this can be a very painful situation. It sounds like it could be an anal abscess or infected cyst, and also hemorrhoids can present this way as well. It is rare to find cancerous anal growths in your age group and although it is a possibility, it is unlikely. The most likely diagnosis is hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can come about through poor fiber diets causing constipation, and it has a strong genetic tendency as it runs in families. If a diagnosis of hemorrhoids is made it can be medically managed or in some instances requires surgical removal. Here is what I suggest:

1. Make an appointment with your local colorectal surgeon. He/she should be able to diagnose the lesion after a rectal examination.
2. Depending on the degree of hemorrhoids, they may require surgical removal or hemorrhoidectomy.
3. At home, try to keep the area clean and soak in warm baths often. Sitz baths can be purchased at any drug store and can be placed over the toilet for soaking the anal region for relief.
4. Hydrocortisone creams can be useful to minimize pain and itching in some cases.
5. Your physician can prescribe pain killers for you, but in the meantime ibuprofen is over the counter and can relieve pain and inflammation.
6. Increase the fiber in your diet to avoid constipation and dry hard stools. Drink plenty of fluids.
7. Keep the area clean and avoid using dry toilet paper. Opt for moist towelettes to clean yourself during recovery to avoid damage to the lesion and infection.

Your condition is most likely a benign and treatable condition if you seek medical treatment soon and avoid complications or infection. Please feel free to ask any follow up questions. Take care.

Dr Hari Charan Perigela
Gen Surgeon

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