Had sex with a girl who got cervical cancer and HPV

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Hi doctor, I am really frightened at my situation. I used to have sex with my girlfriend. It was not quite often but 4 or 5 times till now. She haven’t told me that she has got HPV infection in the past. Recently she was diagnosed with cervical cancer and is under the treatment for that. She was diagnosed with HPV infection about 2 years ago and she claims that it is gone already. She told that even if I am contracted with the virus it will go away by its own and I need not worry. Is it right? I fear because she has got cervical cancer. I read that cervical cancer and genital warts are the main symptoms of HPV infection. Is there a chance that I can be affected with HPV? What is the way to get rid of it, if I have already contracted with it? Please help me. I have lost hope.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

There are about 70 different types of HPV infections found yet. Some of them show different symptoms after getting infected, including cervical cancer in women and genital warts or skin warts in men and women. Mostly it is spread from one person to another through sexual contact. Cervical cancer can be treated good medically. But till date, there are no methods found to remove HPVs completely from body. HPVs can remain dormant in body, according to the efficiency of immune system of body. So, you are also at a high risk that you might also have contracted with the virus. Moreover, you can get it confirmed by performing a pap smear test as prescribed by your doctor. If you haven’t got any warts yet, it doesn’t mean that you are protected. If test results show negative, you can go for HPV vaccination. It is a 3 shot dose taken once in 6 months. On completion of vaccine you will be absolutely safe against HPV. Take care.

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