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Had periods only for 2 days with normal color period.

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My last period was on March 16th- March 21st ( I'm irregular). I didn't have a period all of April, and I just got my period a few days ago ( May 26th). but my period only lasted about 2 days when it's normally about 5. I didn't see any spots, I went through tampons, and as far as I know, the color of my period was normal. I had all the usual signs prior to getting my period ( tender breasts, etc.) the only difference was the length. could this be implantation bleeding? Or maybe hormonal imbalance/ stress?if it helps any, the last time me and my boyfriend had sex was on May 3rd. We're in different cities at the moment.

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 31 Doctors Online


This is very likely to be Dysfunctional uterine bleeding but it Is highly recommended that you get a Urine pregnancy test (UPT) to determine if you are pregnant.

Implantation bleeding, as you might know, occurs due to the implantation of the ovum to the uterine wall .As your cycles were irregular, it would be very unlikely that you are pregnant, but it is a possibility. Hence get a UPT kit from the drug store and check if you are pregnant.

If pregnant and assuming you are less than 7 weeks after implantation, you can get a medical termination of pregnancy from a doctor near you. It is an outpatient procedure and does not involve hospital admission.

If not pregnant, the cause for the irregular cycles has to be determined. Stress and diet are very important in factors for women cycles. Hence too much of stress, like exercise or decreased sleep can cause irregular cycles.

Decreased diet can also lead to irregular cycles

If the cycles do not improve with the decreasing stress or improving diet , a battery of test to rule out conditions like hypothyroidism(common) and endometriosis(Ultrasonography) needs to be done.

Thank you.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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