Got painful lesions after periods.Had sex with two guys too. Am I having herpes?

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Hi doctor, I am a 22 years old female and I am sexually very active. I used to have sex with my ex-boyfriend till last month. After our breakup, I started staying with another guy and recently we started having sex. I let this guy to go down and frequently did oral sex and not penetrative sex. Recently, to be precise, two days after having first sex with him, I started getting my periods. Now, periods is going to end but I feels very much restless due to painful lesions and bumps popping out from my genitals. I fear that I may have got affected with genital herpes. It is very painful that I can’t even move a bit. I am almost sure that I am affected with herpes. How can it happen without penetrative sex? Can herpes be spread orally? Should I doubt that the guy with whom I am staying now, has got herpes in his mouth or so? Or is it so that I have got this from my previous partner? I am very much scared and frustrated. What are the symptoms of herpes? Please suggest me some remedy for genital herpes.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Fuller replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question. It is unfortunate to say that from the symptoms you have mentioned, you are likely to be affected with genital herpes. Herpes is caused by Herpes Simplex Virus, which are mainly of two types- type 1 and type 2. Of these, type 2 causes genital herpes, as affected to you. But there is a chance for type 1 infection, if you have got only oral sex from your partner. Type 1 HSV transmits orally through oral sex. It affects mucus membranes in mouth and such delicate parts. It is more likely that you got affected from your second partner through oral sex. If so, you can check for visible outbreak of HSV infection in his mouth or lips. But this is not necessary to be seen as HSV can stay dormant in human body before a visible outbreak. Anyway, herpes treatment is done symptomatically and there is no complete cure for herpes, being a viral disease. Herpes Simplex Virus, once affected will stay in human body for a lifetime. Now, I recommend you to see your doctor to get checked for any other sexually transmitted infections and for available treatment options for HSV. Hope it helps. Take care.

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