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Gnawing pain, burning in stomach and bloody stools. Treatment?

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Hello , I get a gnawing pain in my stomach and a burning sensation , feeling like I cant breathe sometimes while this is happening and acid coming up my throat ? As well as bloody stool sometimes and an urge to go to the bathroom as I suffer from constipation also. I also struggle with throat pain and night sweats.

I also suffer from nausea pretty bad a few times a day minimum or none at all and complete exhaustion .. Any idea what could be going on ? I take anti acids that stopped the dry heaving and gagging mostly as well as have been off gluten for a year now .. Is this a peptic ulcer or any ideas what could be going on ?

I am 20 years old ,almost 21 and a female

Thank you for your time and opinion !

Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

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Category: Hepatologist
 18 Doctors Online

Thanks for posting your query at
I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.
I went through your post.
It looks like you have acidity related issues.
You are having gastroesophageal reflux disease and probable peptic ulcer.
You can confirm the diagnosis of peptic ulcer with an upper GI endoscopy.
You can take Nexium once daily before breakfast for relief.
The blood in stool is a separate issue. Some of the causes of blood in stools are hemorrhoids, anal fissure, colitis, polyps etc.
Since you say you are also constipated, hemorrhoids and fissure should be considered first.
The urge to go to toilet symptom points towards inflamed rectum.
I would advise you to get a sigmoidoscopy test done to confirm the diagnosis. This is a test in which a long slender tube is introduced through the anal opening to look inside.
You can consult your gastroenterologist for these tests.
I hope that answers your question.
Let me know if I can assist you further.

Patient replied :

Hello Dr.R.K So I have more questions for you ? Thank you for your previous input as well. I really appreciate it as I've been dealing with this for going onto 7 years now, without any real answers. So about the nausea what could be causing that ? Why would I be having trouble breathing if I am having an acid reflux "attack"? Or feel like I am having gasping air or pain while breathing in just constantly all day? I also have pain above or below my belly button and throughout my intestines... which can make the nausea worse a good portion of the time ? Also how can I know if there is for sure blood in my stool ? I am just guessing at this point because it looks red ish brown and I sometimes have blood when I wipe ? I also get a good portion of gas and sometimes I find brown ish red skid marks on my underwear that are like slimy (as gross as that sounds) after I've been farting or had a bowel movement? I sometimes have green stool as well but that has mostly stopped since I've been off of gluten. I find I get a burning sensation in my anal area sometimes during the whole day and I get a pain kind of burning sensation between my ribs in the little crack kind of area you can place your fingers in ? I also take cipralex, tri cyclen lo daily and domperidone when needed Thank you !

Thanks for getting back to me with more questions.
Nausea could be due to GERD and peptic ulcer I have mentioned in my previous post.
GERD can cause discomfort behind the chest bone and some sort of tightness in the chest which is what you are describing. Moreover long standing GERD can cause asthma which again can cause tightness in the chest and difficulty in breathing.
The pain above the belly button is due to the peptic ulcer about which I have made a mention already.
To confirm presence of blood in stool, you can get a stool test done for occult blood.
And as mentioned in my previous post, hemorrhoids, fissure and inflamed rectum should be ruled out with a sigmoidoscopy test.

Patient replied :

Hello ,
I am sorry for the delayed response !
Thank you so much for your opinion on my health related issues as it makes total sense that I probably have an ulcer. Many doctors have told me it is just IBS and did not take the time to help me figure it out.
I read onlline that lexapro or cipralex are the same type of medication and can cause ulcers with long term use ? I was wondering if I could have an ulcer from this without having H. Pylori ?
What would you suggest from here ? I have a breath test for H.Pylori set to take and am currently taking Tecta for the acid reflux and watching my diet and taking domperidone for any nausea filled days .
Any suggestions for the breathing troubles ? Would a inhaler help if I am having trouble breathing due to acid reflux or severe GERD ?
Thank you so much !

Cipralex/Lexapro is a common cause of ulcer.
You can continue taking Tecta.
If the chest discomfort is due to just GERD, then you will get good response with Tecta.
If if is due to asthma, then you can confirm it with a spirometry before starting inhalation therapy.

Dr. Ratnakar Kini
Category: Hepatologist
Fellowship - DM - TN Dr.MGR Medical UniversityResidency - TN Dr.MGR Medical University Medical School - Stanely Medical College, TN Dr.MGR Medical University
Dr. Ratnakar Kini and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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