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Getting pale, foot pain, headache with abnormal blood tests.

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dear sir,
in the past we have conducted test as advised by you and now recently conducted blood test shows some abnormalities, pl. inform possible steps to address malfunction. blood report is attached. Further day by day, he getting pale, and complaining foot pain and headache. he unable to eat reqd. complete food.

Category: Pediatrician

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Category: ICU/ Critical Care Specialist
 24 Doctors Online

Dear parent,
Thanks for your query at
Your son has nutritional anemia secondary to iron and folate deficiency in diet. This can be diagnosed based on a simple, clinical examination. The whole panel of investigations that have been ordered seem to be unnecessary. All his complaints would definitely improve with correction of his anemia.
Kindly ensure the following:
1. Nutritious food containing green leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits, dates and jaggery.
2. Start him on oral Iron supplement. You could start Syrup Provive-Fe 5 ml twice daily. You need to continue this for at least 3-6 months. Review with your paediatrician before stopping it.
3. Also start oral folate tablet.
Tab. Folvite 1/2 tab daily for 3-6 months
4. Ensure that you get a simple blood test - hemogram after 4 weeks to document improvement.
Wishing your child a speedy recovery.

Dr. Saptharishi L G
Category: ICU/ Critical Care Specialist
Senior Residency: DM,  Pediatric Critical Care, PGIMER

Residency: MD, Pediatrics, Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, 2013

Internship: JIPMER, 2009

Medical School: MBBS, Jawaharlal Institute of Post-graduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER), Puducherry, 2008
Dr. Saptharishi L G and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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