Frequent loose stools not controlled with NORFLOX, ELECTRAL powder.

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Resolved question:
I am suffering from loose motions. I took norlflox TZ two times sinve yesterday alongwith crocin pain relief and electral powder. Though with this the frequent loose motions have stopped. But my stool is still loose. I ate outside food two days back. I am also having headache.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your query at
I understand your concern
It's important to keep hydrating yourself with electric powder whenever required until you lose water through stools. Antibiotics are not generally necessary if you stool is watery and does not contain blood and mucus. Eat light food such as rice and dal. The headache may be due to dehydration. It will settle down with above measures.
Feel free to discuss further

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Patient replied :

Sir, I also suffer from migraine headache. I doubt if this headache adds to my pain. Can you suggest antibiotic for quick recovery?

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Take Tab ofloxacin 200 mg two times for 3 days.
Tab metrogyl 400 mg three times for 3 days

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