Frequent ear infections, hearing loss, ear pain. Treatment?

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Hey my name is Kelly Sheehan. I'm a 32 year old woman in Los Angeles.

I began having sinus issues couple years old frequent ear infections, minor hearing loss, ear aches and pains, stuffy noses, headaches, tension headaches, sore throats, etc. I also started falling and generally being clumsy. I went to 3 different ENTs all of whom said it could be allergies...but none of whom actually confirmed the cause.

All 3 gave me prescriptions for steroids, medicated nasal sprays & antibiotics ... and also instructed me to get allergy medications (i've tried them all). Nothing has helped and I continue to have these issues.

About a year ago I started experiencing anxiety, emotional hyper-sensitivity and anger outbursts...which I have never experienced in my life. It feels a cloud of impending doom follows me everywhere.

Then this morning I woke up with severe pain in my eye. I got out of bed and was extremely dizzy, disoriented and emotional. I've never had an eye problem before and didn't know what to do so I went to the ER. The doc examined and found there to be a corneal abrasion. She said the dizziness and other symptoms were vertigo caused by the scratch.

I came home and have been sitting here with that impending doom, confusion, racy heartbeat, anxiety and "cry at the drop of a hat" hypersensitive emotion. So I went to look up more on seems the symptoms I've had over these last 2 years old patientmatch up. Is it possible to have that kind of prolonged vertigo experience due to the untreated and undiagnosed ear/sinus issues? If so, is there something I can do to fix it?



Submitted: 4 Days
Category: ENT Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Sunil Jalan replied 4 Days.

Thank you for posting your query at

You are suffering form recurrent ear infection, stuffy nose, headache, anxiety. and now main concern is
You are treated by nasal spray for nasal symptoms. Most of time ear symptoms occur due to eustachean
tube ( tube connecting ear and nose) dysfunction. this can be confirmed by nasal endoscopy and hearing
test ( audiogram). A CT scan of paranasal sinuses with help to rule out sinusitis. Usually steriod
nasal spray should help and it is quite same also. But with examination and these investigation a plan
can be made.

You are suffering from significant anxiety and that may be cause of headache and sometime may cause
giddiness also.
I believe for significant anxiety you need counselling by a psychiatrist. But i can reassure you that
these ear and nose symptoms are not serious, it can be treated, though it has significant impact on
quality of life.

Vertigo can be due to various causes and some time related to ear also but to find correct diagnosis it
needs to be examined by local physician and ENT specialist.

Hope this helps
Best regards

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