Resolved question:
Q. I Have a sexual play with my wife . It was not sex it was foreplay without ejection..does it will lead to pregnncy ?
4 Days
If you had no ejaculation and if there was no contact between the penis and vagina, there is NO risk of pregnancy.
Hope this helps
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So Doctor if there is some contact still without ejaculation ? And if my wife gets her periods which starts soon ?
If your wife gets her periods normally , then no issues it confirms that she is NOT pregnant. Only contact, with no ejaculation - the risk is low, but theoretically possible. So if the periods are getting delayed, get a Urine Pregnancy test done (available at all medical shops) just to be sure.
Hope this helps
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Alright doctor thanks for your advice..but in case of any pregnancy can it be avoided by using some pills such as abortion pills..becoz both of us dont want a child a this particular state of time..i have read that before 2 or 3 months abortions can be done without much risk..Please guide us through completely as it is my last quesstion
Sure, if you wish to terminate the pregnancy there are safe and legal ways for it. (I would still say the chances for pregnancy will be very small) . Early month termination are quite safe, but should be done only under the care of an Obstetrician. So if that unlikely scenario happens I would recommend you to contact your OBGYN
Hope this helps
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