Flu-like symptoms and pimples on vulva

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I am not sure if i contracted genital herpes. I felt flu-like symptoms, swollen glands, then pimples started to appear in my vulva. But they dont hurt, unless i touch them. They are irritated and itchy.
My ginecologist that I will go see tomorrow, told me via phone that it might be folliculitis.
Because this would be my first outbreak and it really doesn't feel painful. Just a bit irritated and uncomfortable at times.
It also hurts slightly when i pee. I started having these symtpoms on Sunday.
I have vaginal discharge from time to time, although now it is stopping.
Two days before Sunday, i shaved part of my vagina's hair with an old used shaver that was a bit oxidated. Could that be the reason for a folliculitis?
Am I supposed to feel pain right away during a herpes outbreak?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Infectious Disease Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.

It is possible that you have contracted genital herpes. (40-50% probability) Even though we cannot say for sure without testing, the clinical features are suggestive of Herpes than folliculitis. There might not be pain right away during the outbreak. But do remember herpes presentation is highly variable.

Folliculitis has a different appearance and other symptoms are usually absent, in the initial stages. Good that you have an appointment. A direct physical examination is the best way to get a confirmed diagnosis. A blood test might be required to confirm. If it is HSV anti viral treatment should be started as early as possible.

Hope this helps
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