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Anal warts without anal sex

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Hello doctor, I recently found some warts in my anal area. But I am damn sure that I haven’t done any anal sex till now. My gynec told that this is due to skin to skin contacts or sexual relationship. But how come it happen so, if I haven’t had any anal skin contacts or anal sex with anyone? I have been having sex in the straight manner and all are females. I have been having sex with them for about 2 years and not with anyone outside my group. Can HPV spread if I haven’t had sex with gays and that too anal sex? Please explain. 

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 31 Doctors Online

Your gynec may be right in this case. You might be a victim of genital warts caused by HPV infection. It can be spread from people of same or opposite sex. It doesn’t matter whether you had anal sex or not. The thing is that you had sex with someone having HPV infection. That infection in turn got transmitted to you, causing anal warts in you. You told that you used to have sex with females only. But it is not sure that any of them has got HPV infection or not. If any of them has got it, you also got infected from them through the straight sex, you had with them. Even condoms fail in providing protection against HPV infection, as it can be spread from warts outside the penile shaft, including anal area. Also, genital warts need not be visible in any of your female partners, as the virus can stay dormant in human body for years without any symptoms. But they can spread through sexual contacts. Even the infected partners do not realize that they are carrying and transmitting the virus. In your case, if your body immunity is good, warts will go away by their own in a matter of one or two years, as they will be defended by your bodily immune system. There are some sorts of medications available to remove warts, if they tend to spread. However, no treatments are available to completely cure the infection. Hope, your doubt is cleared by now. Take care.

Dr. Cecelia J. Russ
Category: Family Physician-GP
- Medical School - New York Institute of Technology, New York College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Duke University Medical Center, Residency in Family Medicine
Dr. Cecelia J. Russ and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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