Hello,‹br/›Thank you for your query to DoctorSpring.com‹br/›Yes, you should be patient and complete the antibiotic course as recommended by your physician entirely. If you leave the antibiotic course midway, the remaining microorganisms causative of your condition become even more powerful and difficult to treat.‹br/›A deviated septum is a common condition and is not one for cause for concern unless associated with specific symptoms hence I would advise you to rest assured in that aspect.‹br/›With regards to your sinus headache, should be having sinusitis can take time to clear away completely. The best way to treat a sinusitis headache would be to do steam inhalation multiple times a day, for 5-10 minutes each time because this encourage clearence of the blocked secretions within your sinuses. This should prvide relief to your headache too.‹br/›Hope this helps, feel free to discuss further‹br/› ‹br/›