As long as the Baby is perfectly healthy and gaining weight it should be fine. There is no reason to feel bad or guilty as long as you are providing the needed nutritional support. Even if the breast milk is less, do continue feeding whenever possible. This will help in the over all development of the baby. Cow's milk is an acceptable substitute.
Early weaning (before 6 months) are initiated in many babies due to several reasons. There is nothing wrong in that. However do discuss with the issue with your Paediatrician and also monitor baby's weight gain.
Hope this helps
Please feel free to ask followup questions.
Thank you
Patient replied :
My bay has will be 6 month on 7 oct.he takes my milk only when he wants to sleep.but sir my milk production i hardly 1 oz at a time...i m lil bit satisfied that atleast till 4month he had my milk.my paed is ok with cows milk ..he said to give daal paani ,cerelac ,mashed fruits.my baby's weight is 8.6 kgs.whatever i have read on net regarding feeding cows milk was horrible for me..i got so worried.according to me i m giving right feed to him but the net research made me confused.guide sir.
DO NOT worry, whatever you read on internet is based on western data, where allergies are very high. Moreover western population in not used to cows milk . They do have high prevelence of lactose intolerance. (Which is neede for cows milk digestion).
On the contrary Indian population is USED to cows milk and it is well tolerated. So it is a good alternative. Moreover he is getting additional nutrients and having good weight gain. Millions of Indian babies take cows milk and they are all healthy. There is no reason to worry at all. You are doing good !
Hope this helps
Thank you